
志望校へ合格するため、最も効果的な英文履歴書の作成サポートを 行います。海外大学院へ出願するための英文履歴書は、転職用など の職務経歴書とは大きく異なり、自己アピールするための非常に重 要な書類の一つです。そのため、①クライアント様のバックグラウン ド、②出願するコースの内容/特徴、の2つを鑑み最も効果的な書類 を作成する必要があります。 具体的な流れは、まず英文履歴書について作成経験がない方用に、 英文履歴書の作成方法について講座を通して解説致します。その後 過去の合格者のサンプルを出来るだけ数多くご確認頂き、ファースト ドラフトを作成頂きます。ドラフト作成後添削を繰り返しますが、もち ろん書類添削は回数無制限で行います(最後にレイアウト修正及び ネイティブチェックも行います)。過去の合格実績(合格事例)も参考 に最も効果的な内容を解説させて頂きます。 推薦者様へ推薦状(の下書き)をご持参が必要な方へオプションサポ ートとして推薦状の代筆を行っております。 日本では出願者が推薦状作成の依頼を行う際、推薦状の下書きを持 参することが礼儀として定着していますが、その下書きのクオリティ や内容などは推薦者の意向によって異なります。例えばサインだけ すれば推薦状として使用できる完成版が求められるケースから、サ ンプルや雛型など簡単な下書きを求める推薦者まで様々です。 そのため、弊社ではできるだけ推薦者の意向に沿った推薦状代筆を させて頂くため、推薦状代筆サポートはいくつかプランをご用意して います。 大学院留学/エッセイフォーカスプランの紹介(オプション) ステップ6/7: 合格するための英文履歴書の添削及び推薦状の代筆を行います。 ステップ6 英文履歴書の添削(オプション) ステップ7 推薦状の代筆・推薦者の選定(オプション) 例えば、 ①然るべき箇所を穴埋めして頂ければ推薦状として 使用できる雛型の作成。 ②推薦者とのエピソードなど具体的な推薦ポイント などを伺い、そのエピソードを入れ込む形で推薦状 を作成する方法。 ③出願用に作成したエッセイや履歴書の内容を反映 させた形で推薦状を作成する方法。 といった代筆オプションを用意していますので、推薦 者のご意向や、推薦者との関係性によって最も効果 的な推薦状を代筆することが可能です。もちろん学 校指定フォームが設定されている場合は、指定フォ ームに沿った代筆を進めさせて頂きます。 また、推薦者の候補が複数いらっしゃる方には、最も 効果的な推薦者様の選定についてご相談を承らせ て頂いております。 推薦者選定の際、大きくは職場と大学関係者に分け られます。もちろん直属の上司と卒業論文などの担 当教官に依頼するのが一般的ですが、何らかの事情 でご依頼が困難、または候補が複数名いらっしゃる 場合、出願コースの内容や出願校の推薦状ガイドラ インから最も効果的な推薦者を選定する必要があり ます。 弊社で20年間海外大学院出願用エッセイの添削サ ポートを行ってきたスタッフが、責任をもってアドバイ スさせて頂きます。 履歴書の内容やボリュームは、出願する専攻と皆さんのバックグランドによって異なります。下記は関連する学歴、また職歴を効果的に アピールした履歴書の事例です。また学校がフォームを指定している場合はフォームに沿った履歴書を別途作成する必要があります。 サンプル:英文履歴書作成の事例 推薦者より推薦状作成に関してサポートの要望があった場合は、推薦者の意向に沿い作成サポートを行います。 具体的な推薦エピソードを入れ込んだ形で作成した推薦状(教授/上司用)と学校指定の推薦フォームの代筆事例です。 サンプル:推薦状代筆の事例 Academic Reference Instruction Form Graduate Admissions Office INSTRUCTIONS FOR A REFEREE SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO A GRADUATE COURSE (1) To be completed by the applicant Applicant’s Name Last (family) First (personal) Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr etc) Contact Details Email Telephone Proposed Study Degree Type Full Time Part Time Programme of study or research area Department Application Number (if already available) Date of Birth DD MM YYYY Sex Male Female Applicant’s Signature Signature Date (DD/MM/YYYY) (2) To be completed by the referee Referee’s Name Name Position Institution Institution Name Dept/Faculty Referee’s Contact Details Email Telephone Address City Country How long have you known the applicant? 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Tetsuya Mr Professor 4-23-3 Jingumae Yoshida Hirotsugu Mori Master Behavior, Education, and Communication School of Natural Resources and Environment University of Kaigai Daigaku Department of Social Science (81)-3-3408-4003 (81)-3-3408-4003 tmori@gradschool.jp tmori@gradschool.jp ✔ ✔ I have known Mr. Mori since the spring of 2011, when she enrolled in the Department of Forest Science, School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, where I currently teach. 1 15 10 1976 1 1 1 8 3 4 2 Shibuya 150-0001 Tokyo Japan Letter of Recommendation for Ms. Yuri Okayama November 20, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend Ms. Yuri Okayama as a qualified applicant for the master’s program at your university. It is with pleasure that I sincerely support Ms. Yuri Okayama’s application for admission to your program. I have known Ms. Okayama since the spring of 2011, when she enrolled in the Department of Forest Science, School of Agriculture, Joshinetsu University, where I currently teach. I was appointed as advisor for her graduate thesis, which is due in 2014. Her grades were consistently high in many classes. While instructing her graduate research, I appreciated her excellent academic skills as well as her writing and presentation skills. She approached things in logical manner, had an enthusiastic attitude, and displayed a unique approach to research. First, she would seek out her research interests through bibliographic surveys and research based on real world experience as well. For example, according to her, she made up her mind to go to Norway when she was in my class on Forest Policy, where I mentioned Norway was one of the countries with developed forestry practices. During her staying in Norway as an exchange student for about eleven months, she enrolled in many courses to learn more about forestry and the forests of Norway, and took part in some field courses to get firsthand knowledge of current situation there. Unlike other exchange students, she proactively explored her research interests. She voluntarily attended the School of Natural Resources of Applied Science at Hokuho University as an audience student in order to take a class concerning technology for the production of energy from biomass. Second, she subsequently picked management of forest information in Japan as the subject of her graduation work. It was a novel choice because the theme was based on her actual experience while studying abroad. She can successfully gather real data and opinions about the use of forest information because she has training in qualitative method. Given her enthusiastic attitude towards research, and great competence, which is indispensable for study, I am certain that she is qualified enough to do well in a masters program as demanding as yours. I believe that will make it through study and research at your program with a clear purpose for further study and a career goal. For all the reasons mentioned above, I strongly recommend Ms. Yuri Okayama for admission to your program. Sincerely yours, Masayuki Suzuki Professor Research Faculty of Agriculture Joshinetsu University Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Hidenori Miyashita November 14, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend Mr. Hidenori Miyashita to the master’s program in Finance at your university. I sincerely support his application for admission to your program with great pleasure. I have given below an overview of his rich work experience and outstanding performance. I have known him since April 2009, when I became his supervisor at Daigaku Ryugaku Insurance. Corporation. Soon after he started his career at Daigaku Ryugaku Insurance Corporation in April 2009, he was assigned to an affiliated company, Kaigai Financial Investment, Co., as a quantitative analyst. He has not only improved his quantitative skills but also contributed to the decision-making process e through many projects. He implemented a time-series model that could express periodic changes in real estate prices in a multi-period ALM simulation system. As a current member of the Asset Allocation Team, he is engaged in risk management and allocation strategy of foreign bond portfolios. He has proposed valuable initiatives for the improvement of the profitability of foreign bond portfolios. For example, he analyzed the advantages of investing in high yield and leveraged loans in our foreign bond portfolios. After considering the gap between theory and practice, he has launched effective approaches to apply quantitative theories to the actual business world. Our company is currently expanding overseas, and we must adopt advanced technologies to enhance our international competitiveness. In this regard, He is indispensable. He possesses the requisite experience to carry out projects that render significant contributions to the company. However, he requires further exposure to cutting-edge theories and technologies as well as training in real-world applications. I am confident that your master’s program is the ideal venue for such goals. For this reason, I look forward to his departure from and eventual return to the company. Mr. Miyashita is not only a goal-oriented person; he possesses the drive, determination, and ability to attain his set goals. He will undoubtedly maximize this opportunity to study overseas and contribute to your program. Further, he brings with him experiences that will enable him to contribute to your class. For all of the reasons mentioned above, as well as his tremendous potential, I strongly recommend Mr. Miyashita for admission to your program. Sincerely yours, Seiko Kitagawa General Manager The Asset Allocation Team Daigaku Ryugaku Insurance. Corporation 9|大学院留学/エッセイフォーカスプラン紹介 大学院留学/エッセイフォーカスプラン紹介|10 ※下記はイメージ書類であり情報や名称は事実とは異なります。 ※下記はイメージ書類であり情報や名称は事実とは異なります。 Te t suya MORI Aoyama Palacio Tower 11th floor 3-6-7 Kita-Aoyama Minato Tokyo 107-0061 Japan Email: tmori@gradschool.co.jp / Tel: 81-(0)3-3408-4003 This will be used for admission to master's program in Applied Linguisitics in Education department EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND KAIGAIDAI University , Tokyo, Japan April 2011 – Present Bachelor of Humanities , Major in Linguistics , Department of English G.P.A. of 3.7 (2,413) on a scale of 4.0 (AA=4.0, A=3.0) Junior seminar in Intercultural Communications ・ Learned differences in intercultural verbal styles, as well as differences in teaching and learning with respect to values all over the world List of completed courses related to Linguistics: ・ English Phonetics (Lecture), AA, Fall 2011–2012; English Phonetics (Practice), A, Spring 2011–2012 Introduction to English Linguistics, AA, 2013; History of the English Language, AA, 2013 Textbooks in the courses: ・ “A Way to Better English Pronunciation, Listening and Speaking,” by Tamayo Ikeda and Haruyo Mori (2009) Eichosha-Fenix ・ “Second Language Acquisition,” by Rod Ellis (1999) Oxford University Press ・ “Child Language Acquisition,” by Jean Stilwell-Pecci (1999) Routledge ・ “Intercultural History of the English Language,” by Shinichi Takeuchi (2011) TRY-X Corporation ・ “Section 15 for Intercultural History of the English Language,” Shinichi Takeuchi (2011) Kenkyusha Co. ・ “KAIGAI university Student Handbook of English Linguistics and Philology (ASHELP),” Department of English, KAIGAI University Awards: ・ Academic High Performance Prize (2012 ) This award is endowed to students who obtained the highest grades and demonstrated excellent conduct. In 2012, it was awarded to 200 out of the 20000 students in KAIGAIDAI University. Undergraduate graduation research paper: Title: "A Study of English Relative Clauses" (2014 -Present) Number of pages: 34 / Language: English Special Teacher Training Program at KAIGAIDAI University April 2013 – March 2016 ・ Planning to acquire a total of 180 credits by graduation - Approximately 126 credits are department credits (including classes on the basics of education such as “Educational Psychology” and “The Curriculum Theory”), while the remainder concern the license (including classes on the general teaching methods of all subjects such as “Teaching Methods of Japanese Classes” and “Teaching Methods of Mathematics”). However, the number of credits required for graduation is 132 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Omotesando Third Elementary School, Tokyo Japan April 2014 - March 2015 Full-Time Elementary School Teacher In charge of a class in about 30 Children at 2 Grade (Home-room teacher) ・ Guided 7 or 8 years old and Japanese or Chinese pupils to the way of setting the table and cleaning the room ・ Informed to pupils that necessity things and heard the state of health of pupils in the morning and evening ・ Managed pupil’s school record and gave mark exam papers ・ Kept the room good condition (displayed works by pupils and tacked notices) Taro KAIGAI Paircity-Jingumae 205 4-23-3 Jingumae Shibuya Tokyo 150-0001 Japan Email : info@gradschool.co.jp EDUCATION Kaigai International University; Tokyo, Japan April 2009 – March 2012 Bachelor of Political Science, International Affairs at Department of Political Economy 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale – about 40% of courses taught in English Senior Thesis: “ International Relations focusing on Japanese ODA (How does it impact to the countries)” Language: English, Length: 8600 words, Grade: A (Top 10%) ・ As field work for the thesis, visiting the New Caledonia' and Republic of the Fiji Islands for two months in 2014 to help field survey for impact evaluation of how Japan’s ODA projects in various sectors contributed to comprehensive development in Oceania countries. ・ As research for the thesis, interviewing stakeholders and foreign trainees and analyzed the policymaking process of welcoming nurses/social workers from Thai and Vietnam as per the Economic Partnership Agreements, which included me conducting field research in Malaysia a for half month. ・ As research for the thesis, assessing how Japanese ODA could contribute to the building a regional human rights regime and the ideal model of the regime by investigating the development of existing regimes in other regions in the world in Southeast Asian regime over East Asia with the parental body, such as ASEAN +3 ・ As a result of the thesis, summarizing qualitative and quantitative data of impact of Japanese ODA to Southeast Asian regime over East Asia PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Kaigai Capital Management. Inc April 2012 – June 2015 Research Investment Analyst ・ Creating and maintaining a variety of computer spreadsheets and financial models (company, industry/sector, macro/country financial models). ・ Collecting industry and company data through a variety of channels, including sell-side research firms, internal and external databases, trade publications, online sources, regulatory filings and sometimes interviews with industry sources. ・ Reviewing and organizing data, synthesizes information, identifies trends and helps investment analysts to analyze and interpret company and industry data and trends. Main Project: To investigate which South Asia country is most profitable for the investment ・ As a method of the investigation : Collecting and comparing indicators of demography, local politics and economy, and sales production in South Asia countries ・ Result: Sri Lanka is the most profitable for the investigation. However, localization should not be done soon. Its growth should be carefully monitored for indictors showing high political / economic instability PUBLICATIONS Sel ected Publ i cations • H. Kukuchi, A. Saito, T. Kaigai, (2012)" History and Impact of Japanese Official Development Assistant in the twentieth century " Tokyo: .Kaigai Publishing Inc • T. Kaigai and M. Nakano, (2015). " The Regional Human Rights Regimes and the Prospect of Building a Regime in East Asia" San Francisco: International College Press Taro KAIGAI 2 / 1 履歴書添削例(新卒生) 履歴書添削例(社会人) 推薦状代筆例(学校指定フォーム使用) 推薦状代筆例(会社関係者) 履歴書添削例(学校指定フォーム使用) 推薦状代筆例(大学関係者)