
合格するために最も効果的な推薦者の選定を行います。 出願校で設定されている推薦状ガイドライン、クライアント様のバッ クグラウンド、そして弊社合格実績を考慮し、合格するための推薦者 選定のアドバイスを行います。 通常2~3名の推薦者に推薦状の作成を依頼する必要がありますが 誰に頼んでもいいという訳ではありません。出願校で推薦者選定に ついての詳しいガイドラインが設定されていることも多く、設定され ている場合はそのルールに沿った形で推薦者を選定する必要があ ります。そのため、まずクライアント様に推薦者としてご依頼頂ける 方を全てお伺いし、そのうえでコースの特徴、及びガイドラインを鑑 みたうえで、最良の推薦者選定のアドバイスを行います。 推薦者から推薦状の代筆やサンプルといったものを用意するよう依 頼があった場合、弊社にて推薦状の代筆やサンプルを用意します。 日本では出願者が推薦状作成の依頼を行う際、推薦状の下書きを持 参することが礼儀として定着していますが、その下書きのクオリティ や内容などは推薦者の意向によって異なります。例えばサインだけ すれば推薦状として使用できる完成版が求められるケースから、サ ンプルや雛型など簡単な下書きを求める推薦者まで様々です。 そのため、弊社ではできるだけ推薦者の意向に沿った推薦状代筆を させて頂くため、推薦状代筆サポートはいくつかプランをご用意して います。 大学院留学/総合コンサルティングプランの紹介 ステップ9: 最良の推薦者を選定し最も効果的な推薦状を作成する。 ステップ9: 推薦者の選定コンサルティング/推薦状の代筆 推薦状の代筆サポート 例えば、 ①然るべき箇所を穴埋めして頂ければ推薦状として 使用できる雛型の作成。 ②推薦者とのエピソードなど具体的な推薦ポイント などを伺い、そのエピソードを入れ込む形で推薦状 を作成する方法。 ③出願用に作成したエッセイや履歴書の内容を反映 させた形で推薦状を作成する方法。 といった代筆オプションを用意していますので、推薦 者のご意向や、推薦者との関係性によって最も効果 的な推薦状を代筆することが可能です。 また、昨今では推薦状提出はオンライン上で行うこ とを義務付けている学校が多く、そういった場合は 推薦状のフォームや提出方法などが各出願校によっ て大きく異なります。 こういった内容はステップ6の「出願校の出願条件リ サーチ」で既に詳しく調べてありますので、詳しい提 出方法や作成方法について、適切にアドバイス、サ ポートさせて頂くことが可能です。 推薦者より推薦状作成に関してサポートの要望があった場合は、推薦者の意向に沿い作成サポートを行います。 下記は雛型形式で作成した推薦状と、具体的な推薦エピソードを入れ込んだ形で作成した推薦状(教授/上司用)の代筆事例です。 推薦状の代筆サンプル 出願校の方で推薦状のフォームが指定されている場合は、そのフォームに沿い推薦状を作成する必要があります。 下記は学校指定フォームに沿い作成した推薦状の代筆事例です(通常下記をオンラインにて提出します)。 推薦状代筆のサンプル(学校指定フォーム使用) Recommendation Page 1 of 2 Recommendation Evaluation for (please print or type): _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Applicant's Last Name/Family Name First Name/Given Name Middle Name **RECOMMENDATIONS FROM FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED** APPLICANT Print your name above and sign the statement below. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and its amendments guarantee students access to educational records concerning them, including letters of recommendation. are also permitted to waive their right of access to recommendations. A waiver of their right of access may permit recommend to submit a more candid evaluation. The following signed statement indicates the wish of the applicant with respect to this recommendation. I waive my right of access to the following recommendation. I do not waive my right of access to the following recommendation. I understand that under the law I only have access to this recommendation if I am admitted to and actually enroll at the University of Pittsburgh. Applicant’s Signature ________________________________________________ RECOMMENDER This form must be completed and signed. Additional information or letters may be attached. Your assessment of this applicant is very important to our ability to evaluate his/her candidacy forthe Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business. We are very grateful for your time and input. In accordance with the self-managed application procedure, please complete this form, place it and seal it in an envelope, sign your name across the envelope flap to ensure confidentiality and return envelope directly to the applicant. He or she will then submit this recommendation to the Master’s Admissions Office as part of the complete application package. RECEIPT CONFIRMATION: We confirm receipt of recommendations by email only. Please include your preferred email address where indicated. Please print or type the following: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Recommender’s Name Recommender’s Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ Title, Grade, or Rank ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Organization _____________________________________________________________________________________ Recommender’s Signature Date How long have you known the applicant? ______________________________ In what specific capacity? ______________________________ ______________________________ Please provide the Admissions Committee with your assessment of the applicant’s capacity for academic work in a graduate bunsei ss program, any demonstrated leadership, and potential for career advancement aftersuccessfully completing an master’s program. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notification of Privacy: We request your support in maintaining the confidentiality of the recommendation by sharing the the candidate’s permanent record and is not to be re-disclosed. Graduate Program information is available at http://www.rackha.mumich.edu/academic_information/programs/ . In addition to responding to the items below, feel free to attach a letter that comments specifically on the applicant’s strengths and limitations for graduate study. Recommendation of the Applicant Last Name First Name Title Business Address Business Telephone E-mail Institution or Company Recommendation for Admission Form for Individuals Applying to a Rackham Graduate School Program (Paper Version) Graduate Program information is available at http://www.rackham.umich.edu/academic_information/programs/ Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, you (if admitted and enrolled) will have access to the information provided unless you have waived such access. Please sign and date below to inform us of your decision. I hereby waive my right of access to the information recorded below. OR I do not waive my right of access to the information recorded below. Signature of Applicant Date INSTRUCTIONS: You must provide all information requested - tion will be matched to your application file. Provide your recommender with an envelope addressed to your Graduate Program. recommendation and any attached information (if applicable) must go directly to the Graduate Program to which you are applying. DO NOT send this form to Rackham Graduate School Admissions. Please follow the Graduate Program’s instructions if different than above. Applicant Last Name First Name Birthdate Telephone E-mail Graduate Program Subplan (if applicable) Application Deadline Date* Graduate Program Address Name of Applicant Name of Recommender - ham Graduate School will delay the processing of the application. Recommendations received after the program’s deadline 3. Will you attach a letter? Yes No 4. If you are attaching a letter you can skip question 4a., attach your letter and mail the form and letter to the graduate program. 4a. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? Signature Date 2. Please indicate the strength of your overall endorsement by placing an “X” along the scale. Not Recommended Highly Recommended Recommended Recommended with Some Reservations No Basis for Judgment Exceptional Upper 5% Outstanding Next 15% Very Good Next 15% Good Next 15% Next 50% Knowledge in chosen field Motivation and perseverance toward goals Ability to work independently Ability to express thoughts in speech and writing Ability/potential for college teaching Ability to plan and conduct research 1. Please rate the applicant in comparison with others whom you have known at similar stages in their careers. When attaching a letter, providing descriptions of significant actions, accomplishments, and personal qualities related to scholarly achievement is particularly helpful. Several paragraphs will be more useful to the faculty admission committee than one or two sentences. Feel free to comment on the applicant’s character. If applicable, include any known obstacles the applicant may have had to overcome to attain his or her educational goals (e.g., economic, social, cultural, educational or other disadvantages). Please provide the full name of the student as it appears above to ensure that your recommendation will be added to the correct applicant file. Academic Reference Instruction Form Graduate Admissions Office INSTRUCTIONS FOR A REFEREE SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO A GRADUATE COURSE (1) To be completed by the applicant Applicant’s Name Last (family) First (personal) Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr etc) Contact Details Email Telephone Proposed Study Degree Type Full Time Part Time Programme of study or research area Department Application Number (if already available) Date of Birth DD MM YYYY Sex Male Female Applicant’s Signature Signature Date (DD/MM/YYYY) (2) To be completed by the referee Referee’s Name Name Position Institution Institution Name Dept/Faculty Referee’s Contact Details Email Telephone Address City Country How long have you known the applicant? In what context do you know him/her? Approximate position in year group (if available) In comparison to other postgraduate applicants you have known, how would you rate this applicant? Tick as appropriate Comments Top 1% - Outstanding Top 5% - Exceptional Top 10% - Very Strong Top 25% - Satisfactory This form is not the reference. Please now write your reference or recommendation in English on a separate sheet of paper. The paper should be the letterhead of your institution: if you are not able to use a letterhead, please attach your business card. The reference should also be signed, as we cannot accept electronic or scanned signatures. Please address references to ‘The Secretary of the Boarodf Graduate Studies’ and make sure you sign and date the reference. Please comment on the applicant’s academic fitness and general suitability to undertake the proposed course of research or sutdy, in relation to the qualification sought. Also include anyother information which you think is relevant to the application. If the applicant’s native language is not English, please comment on the applicant’s level of fluency and proficiency, particularly in the context of their academic work, if known. If the applicant is intending to study part-time, please include a statement about his/her ability to manage different responsibilities simultaneously. (3) DECLARATION AND DATA PROTECTION DATA PROTECTION ACT (1998): Please indicate, by ticking the box below, whether you agree to this reference being released to the person in respect of whom it is written, should that person make a request for disclosure. If you do not wish to give your permission at this time, please note that there might be circumstances, as required by law, under which the University would be required to make a disclosure irrespective of your wishes. However, the University will treat your reference in strict confidence insofar as the law permits. I agree to the release of this reference if the person concerned seeks disclosure I confirm that the information given above and on the appended reference letter is accurate to the best of my knowledge and understand that the University of Cambridge may refuse admission if it discovers that any information given has been falsified or is inaccurate. Tetsuya MORI ● Tetsuya YOSHIDA tyoshida@gradschool.co.jp Professor Kaigai Daigakuin University Four years Academic performance I am writing this letter to recommend Mr. Tetsuya Mori as a qualified applicant for the graduate program in Business Administration at your university. It gives me great pleasure to support Mr. Mori’s application for admission to your program. I followed her academic career closely for five years. At a particular seminar, individual members were supposed to present their research and engage in discussions, but no one came forward to debate the assigned Tetsuya Tetsuya Mr Professor Professor 4-23-3 Jingumae Shibuya 4-23-3 Jingumae Tokyo 150-0001 Japan Hirotsugu Master of Environmental Science Yoshida Yoshida Hirotsugu Mori Mori Master Behavior, Education, and Communication 20 December, 1965 15 January, 2018 School of Natural Resources and Environment School of Natural Resources and Environment 440 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1041 University of Michigan University of Kaigai Daigaku University of Kaigai Daigaku Department of Social Science (81)-3-3408-4003 (81)-3-3408-4003 (81)-3-3408-4003 (81)-3-3408-4003 tmori@gradschool.jp tmori@gradschool.jp tmori@gradschool.jp tmori@gradschool.jp ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ I have known Mr. Mori since the spring of 2011, when she enrolled in I have known Mr. Mori since the spring of 2011, when she enrolled in the Department of Forest Science, School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, where I currently teach. the Department of Forest Science, School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, where I currently teach. 1 15 10 1976 1 1 1 8 3 4 2 Shibuya 150-0001 Tokyo Japan Letter of Recommendation for Ms. Yuri Okayama November 20, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend Ms. Yuri Okayama as a qualified applicant for the master’s program at your university. It is with pleasure that I sincerely support Ms. Yuri Okayama’s application for admission to your program. I have known Ms. Okayama since the spring of 2011, when she enrolled in the Department of Forest Science, School of Agriculture, Joshinetsu University, where I currently teach. I was appointed as advisor for her graduate thesis, which is due in 2014. Her grades were consistently high in many classes. While instructing her graduate research, I appreciated her excellent academic skills as well as her writing and presentation skills. She approached things in logical manner, had an enthusiastic attitude, and displayed a unique approach to research. First, she would seek out her research interests through bibliographic surveys and research based on real world experience as well. For example, according to her, she made up her mind to go to Norway when she was in my class on Forest Policy, where I mentioned Norway was one of the countries with developed forestry practices. During her staying in Norway as an exchange student for about eleven months, she enrolled in many courses to learn more about forestry and the forests of Norway, and took part in some field courses to get firsthand knowledge of current situation there. Unlike other exchange students, she proactively explored her research interests. She voluntarily attended the School of Natural Resources of Applied Science at Hokuho University as an audience student in order to take a class concerning technology for the production of energy from biomass. Second, she subsequently picked management of forest information in Japan as the subject of her graduation work. It was a novel choice because the theme was based on her actual experience while studying abroad. She can successfully gather real data and opinions about the use of forest information because she has training in qualitative method. Given her enthusiastic attitude towards research, and great competence, which is indispensable for study, I am certain that she is qualified enough to do well in a masters program as demanding as yours. I believe that will make it through study and research at your program with a clear purpose for further study and a career goal. For all the reasons mentioned above, I strongly recommend Ms. Yuri Okayama for admission to your program. Sincerely yours, Masayuki Suzuki Professor Research Faculty of Agriculture Joshinetsu University Letter of Recommendation for Mr. Hidenori Miyashita November 14, 2013 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend Mr. Hidenori Miyashita to the master’s program in Finance at your university. I sincerely support his application for admission to your program with great pleasure. I have given below an overview of his rich work experience and outstanding performance. I have known him since April 2009, when I became his supervisor at Daigaku Ryugaku Insurance. Corporation. Soon after he started his career at Daigaku Ryugaku Insurance Corporation in April 2009, he was assigned to an affiliated company, Kaigai Financial Investment, Co., as a quantitative analyst. He has not only improved his quantitative skills but also contributed to the decision-making process e through many projects. He implemented a time-series model that could express periodic changes in real estate prices in a multi-period ALM simulation system. As a current member of the Asset Allocation Team, he is engaged in risk management and allocation strategy of foreign bond portfolios. He has proposed valuable initiatives for the improvement of the profitability of foreign bond portfolios. For example, he analyzed the advantages of investing in high yield and leveraged loans in our foreign bond portfolios. After considering the gap between theory and practice, he has launched effective approaches to apply quantitative theories to the actual business world. Our company is currently expanding overseas, and we must adopt advanced technologies to enhance our international competitiveness. In this regard, He is indispensable. He possesses the requisite experience to carry out projects that render significant contributions to the company. However, he requires further exposure to cutting-edge theories and technologies as well as training in real-world applications. I am confident that your master’s program is the ideal venue for such goals. For this reason, I look forward to his departure from and eventual return to the company. Mr. Miyashita is not only a goal-oriented person; he possesses the drive, determination, and ability to attain his set goals. He will undoubtedly maximize this opportunity to study overseas and contribute to your program. Further, he brings with him experiences that will enable him to contribute to your class. For all of the reasons mentioned above, as well as his tremendous potential, I strongly recommend Mr. Miyashita for admission to your program. Sincerely yours, Seiko Kitagawa General Manager The Asset Allocation Team Daigaku Ryugaku Insurance. Corporation December **, **** To Whom It May Concern: It gives me great pleasure to provide a letter of recommendation for Mr. *** ***, who is applying to the ****** program at your institution. I would like particularly to describe his abundant work experience and performance record for your review. I have known Mr. *** since I moved to the ********* department as a manager in **** compnay. While I was working for the ********* department for *** years, I supervised his work performance. The company we worked together at that time, ************ Co., Ltd, was one of the major ****** companies in Japan. I supervised Mr. ***** works while he was in my department for **** years. He was assigned to numerous projects related to new and core planning, although these businesses were quite new to him at first. He showed steady and fast progress and he can complete a project from scratch. Mr. ***** was in charge of a wide variety of task such as *****, *****, ***** and *****. He is a person who shows lots of individual initiatives and is always the core of the project. I have believed if it were not for his hard work, the projects could not succeed. I had high expectations that he would continue to contribute to our company because he is the kind of person who gathers trust not only from clients but also from his colleagues. Recently, however, Mr. ***** informed me of his decision to study abroad. His leave would be a great loss in our office as he was a very capable and diligent worker. However, I strongly believe that if he is accepted into your ***** program and he is given the opportunity to acquire greater skills and knowledge in business, along with a worldwide network and negotiation skill in English for his future career goal, he will put his full effort into his studies and make a valuable contribution to your university. Sincerely yours, Sign ***** ***** (name of recommender) Title Department of ********** ********** (name of company) Letter head (Company Name and Address) 13|大学院留学/総合コンサルティングプラン紹介 大学院留学/総合コンサルティングプラン紹介|14 ※下記はイメージ書類であり情報や名称は事実とは異なります。 ※下記はイメージ書類であり情報や名称は事実とは異なります。 推薦状の代筆(教授など学校関係者) 推薦状の代筆(雛型の作成) 推薦状の代筆(上司など職場関係者)